Black Ops 2 Zombie Navcard

Black ops 2 zombies easter egg: navcard importance + location [bo2 tranzit zombies] how to build everything in tranzit black ops 2 (tips and tricks black ops 2 zombies, black ops,. Best answer: the correct nav card for the tranzit navcard table is in die rise seach it up on youtube how to find it. but the navcard does nothing. at least not yet we will have to wait for future maps to find out. if you don't have die rise (dlc map pack 1) you will have to buy it in the xbox store/psn. I was playing black ops 2 zombies yesterday, in which i came across a keycard behind the building you first start in. you need table, navcard, card reader, radio and meteor. workbench location – under the radio tower with red blinking lights in the corn field. you will find the meteor and nav card at bus depot. the meteor is in.

How to Build the Navcard Table in Buried - Call of Duty ...

How to build the navcard table in buried - call of duty

Black ops 2 zombies: buried easter egg - die rise navcard accepted - building navcard table guide! 6 years ago 1 "black ops 2 zombies" "buried zombies gameplay" "buried new zombie boss" "buried ray gun mark ii" "buried easter egg" "buried hidden ghost zombie" "buried new perk vulture aid" "hidden easter egg buried" "zombies. Black ops 2 zombies navcard machine locations the first navcard is located at the first bus stop and is located behind the starte building as you will see you will be facing it. a navcard is located between bus stops 1 and 2 and is inside the tunnel.. What is a navcard in black ops 2 tranzit? can somebody explain to me what a navcard is in zombies tranzit? i have seen people taking about it, but never actually understood it. navcard locations in black ops 2 zombies. help!!!? anyone want to do the black ops 2 tranzit easter egg with me? ((psn))? answer questions..

black ops 2 zombie navcard

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