Download Dota 2 Announcer
Let us know if you want more funny announcer packs! if you enjoyed this video, please remember to leave a like rating and subscribe to dota academy for more insightful dota 2 videos! sponsor us. Installation guide. 1. install dota 2 workshop tools dlc from steam (requires x64). 2. download the sound files. 3. download your custom installation script: install. 41:24 - mega kill announcer this video includes all the lines in the announcer pack (including mega kills), from the game files itself, for a total of 47 minutes of content! i own nothing in this.
Andrea's projects development: dota 2: heroes clash
Announcer items are cosmetic items replace the voice responses of the default announcer. they can equipped in the loadout window. like hud skins, announcers can be shared with team-mates through the shared content panel. dota 2 announcers - mega-kills. Steam workshop: dota 2. - hey rick? - yeah. - what is an announcer pack anyway? - hard to say morty. it's different things to different people. to me, it's just a way to fund my experiments. - what? are we gonna sell t. This page was last edited on 2 february 2019, at 11:17. content is available under cc by-nc-sa 3.0 unless otherwise noted. dota 2 content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of valve or its licensors..